Tokenization not only creates a fraction of the ownership of an asset, but can also create liquidity for the investor, in which numerous buyers can buy parts of a property, while control over interests can maintain administrative rights.

Tokenization can make real estate stocks more liquid and create access to global capital

In real estate, there is a significant barrier to entry for ordinary investors. With tokenization, real estate changes from a somewhat illiquid asset to a liquid asset. The shareholder aspect of property tokenization opens the market to a much wider investing audience.

In real estate, there is a significant barrier to entry for ordinary investors. With tokenization, real estate changes from a somewhat illiquid asset to a liquid asset. The shareholder aspect of property tokenization opens the market to a much wider investing audience.

Tokenizing real estate assets is a new concept made possible by blockchain technology. The idea that we are presenting here is to issue tokens that represent a digitized good that is secured by the real estate itself. In a simple analogy, imagine the shares of a company that you are trading on the stock exchange with its symbol: apply concepts that resemble real estate.

Creating a digital asset that represents a single property is called real estate tokenization. You have the freedom to sell any part of your stock whenever you want, and in some other online markets as well. In other words, digitizing real estate using tokens in the blockchain is real estate tokenization.

The value proposition of asset tokenization gained particular importance on the real estate market. All chances were on security tokens that redefine the future of digital assets. After the collapse of the ICO market, the potential of a regulated crowdfunding framework was promising. The real estate industry was added to the area, which would become integrative and provide liquidity through tokenization.

After all, we were selfishly intrigued by the potential to tokenize our own assets. While we still believe that the potential benefits of tokenization are huge, we have realized that we are still at a very early stage.
Tokenizing real estate means digitally sharing ownership of real assets. In our view, the main potential benefits of tokenizing real estate are democratization, liquidity and efficiency.

It is important to understand how blockchain is used in the real estate market today and how these applications are likely to mature in the future. In order to overcome the haze, we offer an overview of the current status and the future promise of one of the most effective blockchain real estate applications, real estate tokenization. Each company raised capital by tokenizing its funds: either entire LP share positions or future cash flows from investments.

Traditionally, the real estate market has always been intimidatingly complex, regardless of whether you just wanted to analyze it or invest in a property. However, if we play our cards correctly, these derailment problems could soon be a thing of the past. More and more experts are considering the idea of introducing blockchain technology and tokenization to the real estate market, which could spiral the entire sector into nothing less than a real revolution. And as the rest of this text will show, real estate tokenization could bring about the kind of reform needed to streamline this market and improve its functioning by leaps and bounds.

The time is right for Real Estate security tokens or digitized securities

There are many industries that come to a standstill with digitized securities, and real estate is one of the best-known examples. In this blog post, we break down the critical steps required to create a digital asset for a physical property such as real estate.

Depending on whether you have collected money in advance or sold the tokens as part of a live sale, either send the tokens directly to investor accounts or list the digitized real estate on a primary issuing platform. As soon as investors have made the purchase, they will receive the digitized securities. You can manage the increase in real-time and view the cap table. Our customers believe that the real estate industry will benefit significantly from digitization.

In particular due to numerous regulatory problems in connection with the tokenization of real estate, especially when it comes to the global availability of such assets. It will currently be difficult to seize traditional securitized real estate investment trusts (REITs). I can buy it in a few clicks through my bank’s mobile application without any legal complications and even my taxes are paid automatically from the profits made.

First of all, investors want exposure to real estate in their portfolio. However, buying a fraction of multiple properties gives investors diversified real estate exposure. The most obvious answer is the potential for cheaper (and more forgiving) capital compared to traditional credit institutions. Lowering the barrier to entry (by lowering the minimum investment) can open up the property to a wider investor base, including those who normally don’t consider property. Contact us now to discuss your specific project.